jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

Te Dejo Madrid (por ahora)

Alas, I leave Madrid later this morning. Crazy how time flies. I´m posting the song "Te Dejo Madrid"
(I´m leaving you, Madrid) by Shakira because she can describe the feeling much more poetically than I can although its obvious that she´s not just talking about Madrid in the video, but whatever. ¡Madrid y mis amigos madrileños y amadrileñados, hasta la próxima!


jueves, 5 de julio de 2012

The End of the Semester, Córdoba, and La Eurocopa

I officially finished classes last week, it was bittersweet. I said goodbye to all my students and most were eager to find out if I would be going back. Most likely I told them (I´m waiting on my confirmation letter to tell me if I am going to stay in the same school. To come to think of it, I don´t think I posted that I had been accepted for another year. Anyhow, I´m staying in la Comunidad de Madrid for another year!! Yay for me!!). Many wanted me to finally say something in Spanish, at least those who never caught me in the act. I only spoke to two classes in Spanish. The first one erupted in applause and the second one immediately began asking me what curse words I had learned, haha. Apparently to some students, I talk Spanish with a Mexican accent, go figure.

So, last friday I said my last goodbyes to those who had not showed up to the end-of-the-year dinner and picked up a letter of completion from the principal. That afternoon I boarded a bus to Córdoba with the choir. We had been invited to sing with our sister choir at the Festival Internacional de Música de Cine de Córdoba (The International Córdoba Film Music Festival). We had a blast. Córdoba was beautiful, and it ain´t everyday that you can say that you sung in said Festival at 2:00 AM in the morning in an open amphitheater (the whole festival was off schedule by a lot. Surprise?) 

We stayed there until Sunday afternoon and after visiting the Mezquita (it was absolutely mesmerizing) and eating salmorejo, a tomatoe pudding with eggs and jamon sprinkled on top, we left for Madrid. The bus ride there was one of the most fun times I´ve had so far in Spain. We sang songs and told jokes. Unfortunately, when we got to Madrid we had missed the first half of La Eurocopa final, but we made it in time for the second half at least. Seriously, with bookbags and luggages in hand we stormed the first not-totally-packed bar we came across. Spain played like a BEAST and completely SCHOOLED those franchutes (perdona que lo diga). Spain didn´t sleep that night nor the next because of the arrival of the Spanish national team. I went to see them at Cibeles plaza and It was like a sea of red; the energy, palpable. Everybody was a Spaniard that day. ¡Viva España y viva La Roja!

Hasta luego!