jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

Happy Groundhog Day!

Groundhog Day. Those two words conjure up a series of images that makes me laugh inside. Who celebrates a day dedicated to a furry animal who, let´s face it, is no better at predicting the weather than a rock? Americans do. But it is a tradition that, although kinda silly, is still fun. Besides, its a way of justifying the weather to come. So, in this spirit, I decided to share the tradition with my students and colleagues this week.

Some students were interested in what I had to say, others not so much, but overall I think each class enjoyed the presentation. I got each class energized with the famous woodchuck tongue-twister and then continued on with the history of the tradition which I did not know anything about until I researched it. We watched some video footage of past predictions in Punxsutwaney, Pennsylvania where America´s most famous groundhog, Phil, lives and we also watched that Geico commercial. In the end, some students associated Phil with Paul the octopus who had predicted Spain´s 2010 World Cup win in South Africa. So, I was glad that they didn´t think I was completely crazy.

There homework assignment was to watch tonight´s news which, believe it or not, did mention Phil and his prediction for six more weeks of winter weather. I laughed and sweared at the same time when I heard it. So, maybe I do believe in him more than I thought.

Hasta Luego.

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