sábado, 24 de marzo de 2012

Las Fallas

Last weekend I was in Valencia enjoying las fallas, one of the biggest festivals that you can find in Spain. I had never seen so many people come out for a festival before! The entire city was out in the streets, and they wouldn´t go to sleep!!! The term fallas refers to both the festival and to the giant papier-maché monuments that are constructed with such detail and craftmenship that they leaves you awe-struck. And you know what they do to them at the end? They burn ´em!! Except for the first-place winner. Its a pity. Many other traditions abound such as fireworks DURING THE DAY and night, eating world-famous paella, throwing rockets, drinking horchata, a sweet, milky drink made from chufas (earth almonds) unlike the popular mexican horchata that is made with rice,  or drinking agua valenciana, which is really a coctel drink. I had a great time with my friends Marlene, Lukas, Tom, Eva, and Carl. Below are a few pictures!

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