jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Processiones in Valladolidad & Madrid

¡Hola a todos! I know its been a while, but life in Spain is insane, haha. Anyway, I went to the city of Valladolidad during Holy week, the city where Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand were married in 1469, and where Cervantes began writing Don Quixote. It was a picturesque city, but smaller than Madrid and seemed to lack its vitality. I went with the intention of seeing the Holy Thursday and Good Friday processions, but because of the rain, only one procession came out, so I left early for Madrid. There I saw several intense processions with some very gaudy images. At times it felt wierd to see cloaked figures with pointed hats even though I knew that they were good guys. With that said, let it be clear that they are NOT the KKK! They are catholic brotherhoods which organize the processions. Anyway, I hope you had a Happy Easter! ¡Hasta luego!

Back in Madrid:


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