domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2012


Do you feel the new waves of energy already?? The people who won Spain's Lotería Nacional de Navidad or National Christmas Lottery do. Yesterday the drawing of the top prize called El Gordo, or the Fat one (worth € 720 million distributed among 180 winning tickets which are worth € 4 million each; its kind of complicated so you can read more about it here) was heard all over the radio and broadcasted all over television. And images of utter jubilation of the people who won the top five prizes was inescapable; dreams have come true for these people and during these mad times their joy is, I can only imagine, overwhelming. The winners were announced yesterday during the annual Christmas drawing where children draw the numbers and then sing them out loud. Its part of a tradition that has continued since 1763! My interest has been focused primarily on the advertising for it. There are posters in every metro station using the slogan Si sueñas, loterías, roughly translated as if you dream, then you lottery. Below is a video that was played on television and almost everytime I went to the movie theater this season. Its epic and could be a trailer for the Spanish version of A Miracle on 34th Street crossed with Harry Potter. Even the music is awesome. I guess it reflects how big the lottery is here. What do you think???

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